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  • Purchase method and process? 購買方法和流程?
    Our company is an online store. All purchase transactions are processed through our company's e-shop which has clear processing guidelines 公司為一所網上經營商店 所有購買交易是通過我司的網上電子商店進行,網店有清晰購物流程指引
  • How many products do you have? 你們有幾多種產品?
    SFA currently has three active stem cell products, including: SFA active stem cell hair serum, SFA active stem cell eyebrow serum and cool active stem cell facemask 我司現時有三種活性幹細胞產品,包括:SFA活性幹細胞生變素、眉毛素及面膜
  • What is the product expiry period and storage method? 產品的保存期和存放方式?
    Our products have a two-year expiry period; the products must be kept at 2-8 degree celcius, refridgerated 我司產品有兩年保存期;產品需保持在2-8 C度冷凍
  • Are the products of natural ingredients and safe? 產品是否天然成分的和安全性問題?
    Our products only contain natural materials; they have passed product safety tests by international accreditated agencies 公司產品只含天然材料;巳進行並通過國際認可機構之產品安全測試
  • Where does the product originate from? 產品的生產來源地?
    The product are manufactured by Beijing Biohealthcare GMP Lap, a Newmarket OTC company(NEEQ83338) in Beijing and the production base holds the international quality production standard certification and meets the international safety production standard. 產品是北京新三板(掛牌83338)公司康愛生物科技Biohealthcare GMP Lap 制造, 生產基地持有國際優良生產標準認證,同時達到國際安全生產標準守則
  • How do the products help customers grow hair and eyebrows? 產品是怎樣幫到客人生頭髮和生眉毛,是透過什麼原理執行?
    SFA active stem cell hair serum and eyebrow serum has hair follicle stem cell factor as a main ingredient. This external factor stimulates the hair follicles and repairs the decayed hair follicles. Healthy hair follicles continue to multiply and hair follicles continue to produce hair. SFA活性幹細胞生髮素和眉毛素主要成分是毛囊幹細胞因子。這外部因素刺激毛囊,將衰退毛囊修復,而健康毛囊會持續在分化,毛囊就持續產生毛髮。
  • How long does the normal hair growth treatment take and how much dos it take? 一般生髮療程是要久見效和需要多少用量?
    The course of hair treatment is determined by the individual's condition and goals; the recommended standard course of hair treatment is three months, requiring 12 boxes of serum 療程是依個人情况及目標而定;建議標準療程為期一個月,所需產品為5盒
  • Can the product be 100% self-use? 產品是否可以100% 自助使用?
    Our products are fully DIY, safe and effective 我司產品是完全可以自助使用,安全性及有效性特強
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